Request for Proposals

Current proposals by the Trinidad Rancheria.

Bid Proposals Site #13 Nonpoint source pollution reduction and erosion control project

NPS Site 13 Notice to contractors addendum

RFP Personnel Policy Manual and Handbook

RFP NPS Site #4 Low Impact Development Project

RFP NPS Site #4 Assessment and Design – Addendum 1

Trinidad Rancheria is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) focused
on the removal of invasive species and the restoration of native plant species
on tribal lands.
We are seeking qualified companies or organizations
with experience in invasive species management and habitat restoration to
submit proposals for this project. If your organization has the expertise and capacity
to undertake these activities, we encourage you to carefully review the
attached RFP and complete the required proposal submission. Detailed
instructions for submitting your proposal, as well as the necessary steps, are
outlined within the document.”

Addendum 1 Habitat Restoration Plan RFP